Transnational Perspectives on Migration and Integration (TRANSMIT) is an infrastructure project of the DeZIM-Forschungsgemeinschaft (DeZIM FG) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). The project studies the complex interplay between migration dynamics, migrants' well-being and integration processes by building a transnational data infrastructure that collects and links quantitative and qualitative data and knowledge on countries of origin, transit and destination. In addition to Turkey and Lebanon, TRANSMIT collects data in Lebanon, Morocco, Italy, Nigeria, Senegal, the Gambia, and Germany.
The data presented in the web application are part of an ongoing longitudinal survey of Syrian nationals in Turkey and Lebanon, collected by the BIM and the IAB in a joint research project on Transnational Migration and Integration (TRANSMIT). The study surveys a nationally representative sample of the respective Syrians in the two countries, as well as a sample of the host population living in the same neighborhoods. In the absence of reliable registry data, the surveys rely on stratified area sampling and random walk techniques.
The web application was developed by Long Nguyen (source code). The content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.